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Music at Hylands


At Hylands Primary School, it is our intention that music is made an enjoyable learning experience and that children develop a real passion and love for music. Pupils gain a clear understanding and appreciation of music through listening to, singing, playing, evaluating, analysing and composing music.


We provide our children with an engaging music curriculum using ‘Charanga’, a music-based scheme in which the children learn to listen, sing and play instruments. They develop an understanding of pulse, rhythm and notation. Through our weekly sequenced lessons that are challenging, exciting and interesting, the children develop and build on their fundamental knowledge and skills. 

As well as participating in weekly lessons, music is used as a valuable tool across the curriculum and throughout other subject areas in our topic-based learning, allowing children to learn the value and importance of music and to use and celebrate their musical knowledge and skills in a variety of different contexts.

Children are given wider opportunities to perform to larger audiences through our class assemblies, nativity performances, musical recitals and choirs.  Opportunities to perform outside of school are valued and our choir regularly perform and share their skills and love of music with the wider community.


As the children make their journey through Hylands school, the impact of our  teaching and learning of music is seen and reflected in their increased levels of self-confidence, knowledge and skills. Children develop a love and respect for music and instruments that they can carry with them through life.

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