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The Governing Body

The Governing Body meets to decide the strategic direction for the school. We work within committees to make sure money is spent wisely; that the quality of teaching is monitored and continually improved; and that the children are progressing and attaining as expected. We lay an important emphasis on good behaviour and attendance. We aim to ensure every child is given opportunities to develop academically and socially and that they feel safe and happy at school.

Selected for their knowledge, skills and aptitude, co-opted governors are appointed by the existing members of the Governing Body. Havering Local Authority appoints one governor, the parents and carers of children at the school elect the parent governors and the staff elect the staff governor. All governors are volunteers and share the same commitment to doing their best for all the pupils of Hylands Primary School.

Name Category Position/ Role Committees
Steve Bowers   Headteacher Teaching & Learning Committee  Finance & Resources Committee
Grace Walker Authority

Chair of Governors
Data Protection


Finance & Resources Committee
Pay Committee
Louise Prideaux Co-Opted Pupil Premium Teaching & Learning Committee
Finance & Resources Committee
Pay Committee
Jennifer Samuels Co-Opted 

Vice Chair of Governors


Teaching & Learning Committee
Vacant Co-Opted    
Lauren Bates Parent    
Sophie Davidson Staff

Governor Development 


Teaching & Learning Committee
Beverley Smith Parent English and SEND Teaching and Learning Committee
Andrew Griffiths Parent

Health & Safety


Finance & Resources Committee

If you need to contact the Governers please use the following email address:


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