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BASC Mobile Number:, 07712 527746 

Who will manage the club?

The Hylands Primary Breakfast and After School Club will be managed by Mrs Palmer, Mrs Banks, Mr Nilsen and Mr Butler.

Payments - Payments are to be made via ParentPay, through ChildCare Vouchers or through the Government's Tax-Free Childcare Account. Please note that your booking is not complete until your registration and booking forms are returned and your payment for the half term has been made. 

Please print  forms from the links below and return/email to the office. This will put you on to a waiting list and you will be informed whether you have a place by the end of the summer term.

Due to the large numbers at the club it is imperative that you return the online booking form as early as possible.

For further information, please contact either the school office or email basc@hylands.havering.sch.uk. 

We look forward to welcoming you and your children to the clubs!

Booking form
Registration form
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